Nico & JHK Mantled Beast
Please, try it in the VRChat world before buying it ! I don't want to disappoint peoples, you get what you see on the public avatar.
World link to try it:
Specie made by Honeymoss, called Mantled Beast.
Avatar made by Nicoreda and JediHaloKnight.
Public Discord:
A big thanks to all the early testers who helped a lot making that avatar working properly !
PC and Quest Compatible
Currently Included:
- Two Textures pack (Substance File)
- Two different type of eye, one Geometry (PC and QUEST) and one Paintable on any drawing app (PC)
- Different Blendshape for body shaping and visor shape modification
- Custom shaders for Strip and Display working with AudioLink and Voice Activity (PC)
- Gestures emotes, setup for Avatar 3.0
Unity files used for this avatar:
- Poiyomi
- Dynamic Bones
- VRChat SDK
- llealloo AudioLink package
Upon purchase, you are free to edit and use the files.
You are not allowed to:
- Claim it as your own
- Send the files to anyone
- Using part of the avatars to sell a "new" kit-bashed avatar
You are allowed to make public avatar, but if you want a commission of this avatar from someone else, you'll have to purchase the avatar here before.
You are allowed to do commission if both parties purchase the model.